
OpenView 2023 Product Benchmarks

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See how you compare to the 1,000+ B2B SaaS companies surveyed in our 2023 Product Benchmarks.
Put in your inputs and we'll show you how you stack up!
Traffic and growth

The PLG funnel starts with traffic to your website and product, then moves to sign up, and ultimately conversion. Input how your funnel works.



Last step
Traffic and signups

Traffic source

What percentage of your traffic signs up for an account?

What percentage of sign ups convert to a paid plan
within 6 months?

Activation conversion

Activation comes when customers reach the A-ha moment (e.g. 2,000+ messages sent for Slack)

What percentage of sign ups reach activation?

Retention conversions

Usage retention is a critical metric to track how much value you're providing users.

What percentage of users are still active at Day 7?

What percentage of users are still active at Day 28?

For questions on the data and your funnel, reach out to Hannah at [email protected].
Powered by OpenView, the expansion stage VC - Check out OpenView's full 2023 Product Benchmarks report.
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